Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Best of Q1 2007

Here it is. Still a few days left in Q1 but I am sick of listening to this mix so I am foisting it on the public. It's my favorite new songs I've heard in the first three months of the year, edited down to fit on one audio CD. I tried to make it "flow" as a mix so you might want to try listening to it in order first and see how much I suck at making things flow.

Tough cuts:
1. Sloan - good new album but works best as a full album. Individual tracks sounded weak in comparison.
2. Black Lips - same deal. I was excited about a live album but now I'm not sure it really works to their benefit.
3. The Field - I like this but I had too many long songs, plus I didn't want to have two things from Kompakt.
4. LCD Soundsystem - I thought I liked this album a lot but couldn't figure out an individual song I loved enough to put on here. Tried "Watch the Tapes" and "Sound of Silver" before just getting rid of it.
5. Maximo Park - was starting off the mix with "Girls Who Play Guitar" for a long time but made myself admit that I just had it on there because it sat well at the beginning and segued into Marnie Stern really well.
6. Melvins - just didn't make the cut.

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