Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Best of Q1 2007

Here it is. Still a few days left in Q1 but I am sick of listening to this mix so I am foisting it on the public. It's my favorite new songs I've heard in the first three months of the year, edited down to fit on one audio CD. I tried to make it "flow" as a mix so you might want to try listening to it in order first and see how much I suck at making things flow.

Tough cuts:
1. Sloan - good new album but works best as a full album. Individual tracks sounded weak in comparison.
2. Black Lips - same deal. I was excited about a live album but now I'm not sure it really works to their benefit.
3. The Field - I like this but I had too many long songs, plus I didn't want to have two things from Kompakt.
4. LCD Soundsystem - I thought I liked this album a lot but couldn't figure out an individual song I loved enough to put on here. Tried "Watch the Tapes" and "Sound of Silver" before just getting rid of it.
5. Maximo Park - was starting off the mix with "Girls Who Play Guitar" for a long time but made myself admit that I just had it on there because it sat well at the beginning and segued into Marnie Stern really well.
6. Melvins - just didn't make the cut.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


uploaded for someone else, thought I'd share some more...


Veggie Paella

it's super-easy!


14-16 oz. can of brined artichoke hearts
1 1/2 cups white or brown rice
1 tsp. salt
about 1/2 tsp. saffron (that's what I used, but turmeric would have worked just as well, frankly, since I CANNOT TASTE SAFFRON)
2 cups minced onions
1 cup finely chopped celery
2 garlic cloves, minced or pressed
a bunch of olive oil (I think I ended up using 4 tablespoons. you might need less if you have nonstick cookware. or more if you want delicious fattiness)
1 tsp. dried thyme
1 red bell pepper, seeded and chopped
1 lb. asparagus (yum!) rinsed, trimmed, and cut into 2-in. pieces
1 1/2 cups fresh or frozen peas
1 cup chopped tomatoes
salt and ground black pepper

random ingredient that I added on a whim:
1/2 lb. Morningstar Farms crumbles (it's like fake ground beef)

1/2 cup chopped chives or scallions

Drain the artichoke hearts, reserving the brine. Quarter the hearts and set them aside. Add enough water to the brine to make 2 1/2 cups of liquid and combine with rice, 1/2 tsp. salt and saffron/turmeric in a saucepan w/ lid. (I didn't add any oil/butter to the rice, but one could) Bring to a boil while covered. reduce heat to low and simmer until the rice is done. (So, with brown rice, that would be between 45 and 60 minutes, I guess, but I made it with white, which took about 25).

While the rice is cooking (after about 5 minutes if you're using white rice, 25 if you're using brown), saute the onions, celery, and garlic in a bunch of olive oil for about 5 minutes or until the onions soften (on medium-high heat). Add thyme, bell peppers, and asparagus, cover, and saute on medium heat, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes. (I actually forgot to stir frequently at this stage and everything worked out fine.) Add the peas, tomatoes, and artichoke hearts (and I added the fake beef at this point, also), stir well, cover, and simmer for 5-10 minutes, until the vegetables are tender. (Seriously, 5 minutes should be fine.) Add salt and pepper to taste.

And that's it! the Moosewood book claims you serve paella by spreading out the rice on a platter or in a bowl, and then layering the vegetable mixture + its juices on top. (is this true?) I guess that's cool, but you could also just mix the rice with the veggies and that would be easier. Top with chopped scallions or chives and snow peas if you have them/wish to.

I hope that was clear!

Monday, March 19, 2007

First Post

Hi guys. Here is the new blog. Sorry I wrecked the old one. Here's a song:

("Carpetbaggers" by Harlem Shakes)
